Summer provides the perfect environment to rethink your modus operandi. A long afternoon laying in a hammock feeling the gentle breezes play on your face, is an ideal time to step out of your busy routine of ‘doing’ and experience the beauty of just ‘being’. The outer world requires immense amounts of frenetic activity to … Read more
There appears to be a tipping point happening for women as a few good men are stepping forward and publicly acknowledging the value of women. From investment guru Warren Buffet, to spiritual leader the Dali Lama, women are getting a boost. The question is: Can we depend on our Prime Minister Stephen Harper to join … Read more
Fathers make the world better so find yourself a council of Dads. I was struck with this idea when reading about a man in New York who was diagnosed with cancer. Concerned his six-year old twin daughters would grow up without a father he recruited a number of friends to assume that role. Each man … Read more
On May 11, Princess Merida, from the Oscar winning film Brave, will officially be welcomed to the Disney Royal Court and I say “Here Ye, Long Live Princess Merida”. This is a princess for a new generation. Merida doesn’t fit nicely into the traditional box of a demure and passive damsel in distress waiting for … Read more
Earlier this month Hillary Clinton told a standing ovation crowd at the Women of the World conference in New York that women’s rights were the unfinished business of the 21st Century. She stated that one of the things that will advance the cause of women is to encourage more girls to enter the field of … Read more
Want to know more about yourself and what you believe in? Then follow the money, because the real currency follows the emotional currency. Presented with a choice, someone asked me, between a low-cost supplier and one who was more expensive but demonstrated they had your best interests in mind – who would you choose? No … Read more
Naturally, it’s a woman who is credited with coining the phrase, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” The exact words are said to have been first written down in a book by Margaret Wolfe Hungerford, who wrote novels under the pseudonym of “The Duchess” in Victorian England. In truth, the notion has been … Read more
I’ve found recently that the most compelling movies are those that demonstrate the power of Masculine and Feminine Energy, and how important it is to balance the two. Have you ever come out of a darkened movie theatre and said, “Wasn’t that powerful?” That’s how I felt after I watched the movie Midnight Express, and looking … Read more
It’s Academy Awards time and in keeping with my usual practice, I have been busy seeing all the shows before the big televised gala announcing the winners. While I was delighted with the prominent role Jessica Chastain played in Zero Dark Thirty of a strong, determined woman who perseveres to achieve her goal, it is … Read more
There is a natural correlation between what it takes to be successful at work and successful in your love life. McKinsey and Company, a global consultant, did a study of successful women leaders around the world and found that they possessed three main attributes: presence, belonging and resilience. With Valentine’s Day tomorrow it struck me … Read more