Gender Physics
by Betty-Ann Heggie, Speaker, Author, Mentor
Gender Physics is an essential guidebook to help you leverage the strength of both genders in the business world.
By using this revolutionary step by step system you’ll present yourself with balance and charisma. Your unique individuality will come through and you’ll establish common ground with others to get the results you want.
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See What People Say About My Book

If you are questioning what is correct behavior at work and in life while wanting the freedom to express yourself and be successful on your own terms, Gender Physics is the book for you. It is a must read for everyone looking to be courageously authentic.
Dr. Marcia Reynolds Author of Outsmart Your Brain, Wander Woman: How High Achieving Women Find Contentment and Direction and The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations into Breakthroughs.

Betty-Ann has done an incredible job in this book by turning her real life experiences into examples of how you can integrate both energies into your life for peak results. I would highly recommend this book to any forward thinking female.
Mary Hipperson Commercial Sales and Leasing Agent at Concorde Group, Inc

Gender Physics is a game-changer. Deftly making references to film, politics, and culture, Betty-Ann Heggie brings to life the notion of gender as a social construct and provides valuable advice on letting go of stereotypes to be the truest expression of our highest selves. A generous storyteller, Heggie is brave and vulnerable in Gender Physics, sharing some of her greatest successes and biggest challenges to show us we are not alone. Gender Physics is a call to action, encouraging us to be the stars of our own films and the narrators of our own stories.
Prasanna Ranganathan Lawyer, Speaker, Associate Producer, Writer, and Social Media Correspondent

Betty-Ann’s insight into the gender dynamics of business examines an essential question; what does it take to create something extraordinary? Having helped artists give birth to hundreds of great songs and multiplatinum records, it took decades of trial and error to learn what Betty-Ann teaches us in Gender Physics. In an entertaining and engaging way, her stories succinctly illustrate how the natural integration of Masculine and Feminine Energies contributes to achieving success on a truly broad scale.
Tim Collins Music Industry Entrepreneur, Best known for orchestrating the comeback of Aerosmith, AKA America’s Rolling Stones
Betty-Ann Heggie
Speaker, Author, Mentor
Author Betty-Ann draws on her many years of experience as a Senior Vice-President of the world’s largest fertilizer company to show how she used both Masculine and Feminine Energy for the maximum impact and success.
Aided by research and anecdotes from movies the book describes how to utilize specific energies to launch your career forward. Readers can also take a Go-To Energy evaluation, try Complementary Energy experiments and follow a step by step balancing process called the A+ Energy Model to integrate these dynamic energies into their own lives.
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Gender Physics
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If you are a career professional and want something different than what is offered in the traditional model of your gender and desire to be successful on your own terms, this book provides a bridge from where you are to where you want to be in a very engaging narrative with practical advice and solutions.