Betty-Ann's Both Sides Blog

When the Little Helper in Your Subconscious is Not Really Helping Blog Thumbnail

Mostly, your subconscious is an obliging, industrious little helper that has your best interests at heart. It really wants to be of assistance, busily helping with all of those pesky, mundane things that you cannot live without, such as breathing. However, sometimes it gets carried away, maybe even makes decisions on your behalf that are … Read more

Create New Opportunities by Expanding Your Gender Palette Blog Thumbnail

Why paint yourself with the either/or, black-or-white binary system of gender when instead you could be a vibrant mosaic of masculine and feminine attributes? By letting go of stereotypes and celebrating individuals with a mix of gender characteristics, you’ll create more opportunities for yourself and others. Imagine if boys could be soft and caring without … Read more

Women Leaders Seek Constructive Criticism Blog Thumbnail

The best women leaders have very high expectations for themselves and constantly raise the bar by seeking constructive criticism. Then, when told where they made mistakes, rather than berating themselves, they treat the feedback as an opportunity for growth and improvement. That constructive narrative enables them to separate criticism from feelings of self-worth. ‎ Constructive … Read more