It’s February, the month we associate with love and relationships. Both are more successful when the parties have a healthy dose of emotional intelligence (EQ), defined as the ability to manage your emotions and the emotions of others. EQ is also a key leadership skill improving relationships at work. People with high EQ are not … Read more
4 New Norms for Men in the New Year The story started as a hashtag and in a mere three months it became the biggest and most significant of 2017. TIME magazine featured the silence breakers of the #metoo movement as their ‘Person of the Year’ and the Canadian press followed suit by naming sexual … Read more
You cannot read the news without seeing some new allegation about a politician, news person, or celebrity being accused of sexual harassment or abuse. The list grows daily which raises the question of why women continue to support men that are committing crimes against women. Seemingly bright, educated, and grounded women defend or even ignore … Read more
Over the last month, more women than can be counted have come forth and opened up about being exposed to sexual harassment and sexual abuse. The floodgates have opened, and every day there seems to be a new case involving a celebrity. Some of the claims are directed toward high-profile and privileged men and some … Read more
Early in my career, a male colleague, who was well-connected with the corporate ‘powers that be’, dropped by my office and casually mentioned that I would have a better chance for promotion if I curtailed my anger. As I mentally sifted through angry office incidents (mine as well at those of the men I worked … Read more
At a recent social gathering, I floated from group to group and listened to concerns of rising global terrorism, suspicions of unbiased media reports and fears of populist world leaders who are playing to supporters rather than upholding the laws of their systems. Trust is increasingly becoming untethered but it is not yet time to … Read more
There is a simple rule of the universe and that is “cause and effect”. If a pendulum is pushed in one direction, you can assume that it will swing back to a height equal to the height it was pushed to, There are all sorts of mathematical calculations of how this happens, but when a … Read more
Our sons do not live in the same world we grew up in, and therefore the way we parent them must change with the times or they could be left behind. Today, girls are being encouraged to develop both the masculine and feminine sides of themselves. To meet the expectations of society parents encourage their … Read more
June is the month to celebrate fathers and while daughters appreciate the exemplary role these important figures played during their formative years, making fires at the lake and coaching their soccer team, a father’s job is never done. The most important thing a father can do for their daughter is to help pave the way … Read more
Our World is Out of Whack We live in a world of increasing tension and polarization. Each day’s news is chock-full of chest thumping gamesmanship as autocratic global leaders jockey to demonstrate their power and assert their views over neighbouring nations. Then, back at home, they face constituents who are unable to reconcile their widely … Read more