
When the Little Helper in Your Subconscious is Not Really Helping

Mostly, your subconscious is an obliging, industrious little helper that has your best interests at heart. It really wants to…


The Voice In Your Head is a Very Bad Wizard

If you are a woman in business, you would be well served to reclaim your power from the relentless voice…


Followers Lead By Example

A virus is sweeping the free world seemingly without an obvious antidote. Similar to driving by an accident scene, it…


(Why) Women Should Ignore Fear and Saddle Up Anyways

Fear is a basic animal instinct experienced by all. It is how we deal with it that decides our success.…


Competency and Likeability Create Leadership Magnets

There are magnetic people in every company. Others are attracted to them, want to work with them and naturally follow…


Create New Opportunities by Expanding Your Gender Palette

Why paint yourself with the either/or, black-or-white binary system of gender when instead you could be a vibrant mosaic of…


Closing the Gender ‘Apology-Gap’

For both genders to be seen equally as leaders we need to close the apology gap. Men should say "sorry" more,…


Think Outside the Gender Box

To expand your opportunities, think outside the gender box by considering yourself more broadly as a human being. The entertainment…


Women Leaders Seek Constructive Criticism

The best women leaders have very high expectations for themselves and constantly raise the bar by seeking constructive criticism. Then,…


Five Small Steps Male Leaders Can Take to Retain Women Employees

Recently, I had a discussion about the advancement of women with the senior partner of a major law firm. Frustrated…
